Illustrated story revives tragedy of Nanjing Massacre survivors

2017-12-10 22:29 source: Source: Xinhua


The combo picture shows the portrait, signature of Jin Maozhi and illustrated story reviving his tragedy based on facts. Born on Feb. 2, 1928, Jin is a survivor of Nanjing Massacre, a heinous crime committed by the Japanese militarists during World War II in 1937, in Nanjing, then capital of China. In the winter of 1937, Jin's father Jin Zhaokun and a dozen of male villagers were gathered at a small reservoir to be slaughtered. Jin's father lost one arm while arguing with the Japanese soldiers before his death. More unarmed civilians were butchered, Jin saw with his own eyes repeatedly in that winter. The year 2017 marks the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, in which more than 300,000 Chinese were killed by the Japanese invaders who occupied Nanjing on Dec. 13, 1937, marking the start of six weeks of destruction, pillage, rape and slaughter in the city. There are only less than 100 living survivors of the atrocity. Reporters from Xinhua spent many years to look for the survivors of Nanjing Massacre and record their current lives. (Xinhua/Photo by Han Yuqing, Illustrated by Chen Congying)

[editor: Yamei ]